New Bike Selection Help

Dynamic Bike Fit for New Bike Purchase
We help you find the bike make, model, and size that is right for you and let the bike shops sell and service it.
Independent of bicycle brands and shops. Our processes and decisions are based on rider needs and not product. We focus on the rider without bias to what type of rider you are, the latest trends, the manufacturers or favorite bike shop.
How It Works

After we know a position, we analyze the data to find bicycle makes and models that support your position.
With guidance, you purchase the bike – not from us, we don’t sell bikes – and apply the measurements to the bike or have us transfer them for you.
In Person
Don’t have a bike yet? Buying a new one? We offer a brand-independent solution to help you!
- Perform a Dynamic Bike Fit on Fit Bike
- Analyze various bike options.
- Review bike options with you
- Single Bike
By Phone
For existing clients only. Buying a new one? We offer a brand-independent solution to help you!
- Analyze various bike options.
- Based on existing fit data.
- Review bike options with you
- Single Bike